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CORCORAN Y CÍA. SPA and its headquarters are located in the city of Punta Arenas, capital of the province of Magallanes and the region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica. Founded on December 18, 1948, located on the Brunswick peninsula, on the continental shoreline of the Strait of Magellan, and a few miles from Cape Froward, the southernmost point of the continental landmass of the Americas.

​Punta Arenas is located strategically in the navigation path that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the Strait of Magellan; route that separates the Patagonia from Tierra del Fuego and is potentially an item of great influence on international trade. Its foundation, in 1948, represented the first act of Chilean sovereignty in a distant and inhospitable territory, but of great geopolitical and economic value.

Along with the Region of Magallanes our operational scope also covers the Region of Aysén, from Villa O'higgins La Junta. The capital of the Region of Aysén is Coyhaique and is divided into four provinces: Aysén, Coihaique, General Carrera and Capitán Prat.

Between the two regions they add an area of ​​241,058 km² (132,033 km² Magallanes and Aysén 109,025 km²), making them the first and the third largest in the country, representing 32.4% of continental and insular Chile. Considering the remoteness and difficulty of access, distribution is fundamental for our regions.

Casa Matriz

Av.Pdte. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 05765
Mesa Central +56 (61) 2740100
Fax +56 (61) 2740102
Casilla D. Punta Arenas Chile

Bodega Zona Franca

Manzana 16. Sitio 5 y 6
+56 (61) 2740180 - 2740181
+56 (61) 2740182 - 2740183
Zona Franca. Punta Arenas Chile

Super G Market

Manzana 9. Sitio 6
Av.Bulnes Km.3 1/2 Norte
Tel. +56 (61) 2740180
Zona Franca. Punta Arenas Chile

Corcoran Express

Av.Pdte. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 05765
Tel. +56 (61) 2740158-2740117-2740118)
Punta Arenas Chile

Logística Tres Puentes

Av. Pdte. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 05763

Tel. +56 (61) 2740141

Punta Arenas Chile

Sucursal Coyhaique

Gastón Adarme 1000

Tel.+(67) 2582160 - 2582161
Coyhaique, Chile

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